必威betway体育官方 //www.hrdoco.com 周一9月13日13:41:27 +0000 恩美 每小时 1 游戏规则 //www.hrdoco.com/blog/38233/play-of-the-game/ //www.hrdoco.com/blog/38233/play-of-the-game/#respond 亚历克斯河流 周一9月13日13:41:27 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=blog&p=38233 美国国家乳制品委员会鼓励大学生为游戏玩家开发创新的乳制品。家里有一个忠实的游戏玩家,我们是好伙伴。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38233 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/blog/38233/play-of-the-game/ " > < / >玩的游戏第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >乳制品行业国际< / >。必威betway体育官方< / p >




这些计划非常受欢迎。爱尔兰食品厂是该国三家政府机构的合作项目,旨在寻找更多使用爱尔兰配料的新产品,目前正在寻找下一批的十名新参与者。自2012年该计划启动以来,已有100多家公司完成了该计划。“该计划旨在支持和帮助后起之秀实现其在国内和国际市场的雄心壮志,一直致力于提高爱尔兰食品和饮料行业的全球定位,”参与该计划的机构之一Bord Bia的首席执行官塔拉·麦卡锡(Tara McCarthy)说。



访问:usdairy.com/research resources/new product competitionFoodWorksIreland.ierdaccelerator.nestle.com

Suzanne Christiansen,编辑,乳制品行业国际。

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利用技术提高奶酪生产的产量 //www.hrdoco.com/events/38232/using-technology-to-ycrease-yield-yize-in-cheese-manufacturing/ //www.hrdoco.com/events/38232/using-technology-to-increase-yield-in-cheese-manufacturing/#respond 亚历克斯河流 周一9月13日13:09:02 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=event&p=38232 < p > 2021年9月15日-上午12:00 < / p > < p > < / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id =“tptn_counter_38232”>没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/events/38232/using-technology-to-increase-yield-in-cheese-manufacturing/ " >在奶酪制造使用技术增产< / >第一次出现在必威betway体育官方乳品工业国际.


Date: 15 September 2021

Website: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3287134/C7C3B5623B393D82C7ACDB81FE5759C2?partnerref=PR-dairy-industries&utm_campaign=3002099_UK%20-%20Sep21%20-%20Dairy%20Processing%20Webinar%20%28PR%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Watson%20Marlow%20Fluid%20Technology%20Group&dm_t=0,0,0,0,0

Webinar hosted by Watson Marlow.

Key discussion points include:

  • How changes within the industry have caused both increased and decreased demand, where manufacturers have had to become more flexible to be profitable
  • Different pump types and how they can affect product quality, reduce waste and increase yield
  • How manufacturing efficiencies remain the main source of competitive advantage

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摘要:处理 //www.hrdoco.com/roundup/roundup-processing-11 //www.hrdoco.com/roundup/roundup-processing-11#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期一,9月13日10:01:09 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=roundup&p=38230

这里是您的最新乳制品加工新闻的综述。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38230 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/roundup/roundup-processing-11 " >摘要:处理< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< /必威betway体育官方 p >

这里是您的最新乳制品加工新闻的综述。Next week’s roundup will focus on packaging.

To submit a news item for inclusion, please contact Suzanne Christiansen at suzanne@bellpublishing.com or Alex Rivers at arivers@bellpublishing.com.

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Ornua寻找领先的研究生课程候选人 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38227/ornua-seeks-candidates-for-leading-graduate-programme/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38227/ornua-seeks-candidates-for-leading-graduate-programme/#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期一,9月13日2021年09:21:54 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38227. Ornua是爱尔兰Kerrygold品牌的所有者,正在8个国家寻找15名合格的候选人加入其行业领先的研究生项目。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38227 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38227/ornua-seeks-candidates-for-leading-graduate-programme/ " > Ornua寻找候选人领先的研究生项目< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >奶制品行业国际< / > . < / p > 爱尔兰唯一价值数十亿欧元的食品品牌Kerrygold的所有者Ornua已经启动了2022年的研究生项目,以寻找该组织的下一代领导人。该项目正在寻找15名杰出的申请人,申请不同业务职能的职位–来自销售和营销、新产品开发(NPD)、财务、商业、ICT和insight——横跨8个国家和4大洲。9个职位将设在迪拜、德国、尼日利亚、南非、西班牙、英国和美国(芝加哥)。Ornua研究生项目是一个为期18个月的项目,为毕业生提供一个在爱尔兰最重要的食品公司之一建立一系列商业技能和获得宝贵经验的机会。

该行业领先的项目包括有结构的轮岗,接触多个学科和业务单元,以及包括课堂和自主学习模块的培训。除了正式培训外,参加该项目的候选人还将由Ornua高级管理团队的一名成员单独指导。该合作社目前的几位高管都是通过该项目进入该行业的,其中包括Ornua的首席执行官约翰•乔丹(John Jordan)。


从2022年1月起,Ornua还将引入带薪实习项目。为期九个月的“基层实习”计划将安排有潜力的本科生担任不同的角色,为他们未来的成功做好准备。 The structured learning and development programme will also include an Ornua mentor who can offer expertise and guidance, and a presentation with Ornua’s Senior Leadership Team.

Ornua is committed to fostering long-term and diverse global careers for its employees, and its graduate programme provides the first step for ambitious graduates who wish to progress their career within the food industry and join a diverse, global organisation.

Majella Darcy, chief people officer, Ornua, commented: “This is an exciting opportunity for 15 driven and ambitious graduates to begin fulfilling careers here at Ornua. For over 55 years, Ornua has been providing global opportunities and dynamic careers to its proud and passionate team who bring the unique taste of grass-fed Irish dairy to the world. We are delighted to offer these 15 places on our industry-leading programme, which can lead to vibrant and varied careers in Ireland and around the world.”

Headquartered in Dublin, Ornua is Ireland’s largest exporter of Irish dairy products.

To apply for the graduate programme, visit: earlycareers.ornua.com.

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ADF乳品公司获得了皇后奖的企业,国际贸易 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38224/adf-milking-receives-queens-award-for-enterprise-international-trade/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38224/adf-milking-receives-queens-award-for-enterprise-international-trade/#respond 亚历克斯河流 Mon, 13 Sep 2021 08:55:51 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news& p=38224. 由于Covid-19大流行,这家总部位于苏塞克斯的公司推迟了很长一段时间才颁发该奖项,但在2021年9月8日庆祝了获奖。

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post ADF Milking receive queen&# 8217;s Award for Enterprise,国际贸易首先出现在乳品工业国际.

. 总部位于苏塞克斯郡的ADF挤奶公司获得了女王2020年国际贸易企业奖。由于Covid-19大流行,官方颁奖仪式不得不推迟,但这一享有声望的奖项于2021年9月8日在位于斯林登的ADF挤奶总部庆祝。西苏塞克斯郡皇家陆军中尉Susan Pyper女士、副陆军中尉Peter Webb先生和副陆军军官Paul Legrave先生认可了公司的成就,并将该奖项颁发给激动而光荣的ADF团队。

ADF milkking拥有一种独特的创新产品,已经成功地帮助世界各地的奶农改善他们牛群的健康。ADF自动浸渍和冲洗系统通过防止细菌进入乳房和从一头奶牛传播到另一头奶牛,有助于减少奶牛乳房炎。反过来,这为奶农节省了很多需要的时间和金钱,包括兽医费用,并使奶牛活得更长,更健康,更多产。全世界30多个国家的农民每天都在有效地使用ADF系统,ADF挤奶系统也因其在海外贸易中的增长而得到了女王陛下的认可。这是ADF挤奶公司第二次自豪地获得女王奖,此前在2013年获得了女王创新奖。


Director Tony Solazzo says it a great pleasure to be honoured by Her Majesty the Queen for their British technology. “We are immensely proud to be recognised by the Queen for our achievement in producing tremendous sales growth in export markets. We have worked extremely hard to prove that it is possible to succeed on the international stage by innovating and challenging the status quo. Businesses should be encouraged and incentivised to stimulate more economic growth from innovation and exporting. This award is appropriate recognition for the entire ADF team, without whose energy and dedication this achievement would not have been possible. We look forward to continuing this growth with our latest product innovation – ADF InVent.”

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious business awards in the country, celebrating British businesses who excel at international trade, innovation or sustainable development. Winning businesses are able to use the esteemed Queen’s Awards emblem for the next five years and the winners have reported benefiting from worldwide recognition, increased commercial value, greater press coverage and a boost to staff morale.

ADF Milking’s head office is located in West Sussex, UK. It has customers in over 30 countries worldwide and has regional operations in Germany, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada.

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乡村生活的赞助活动在ITV周末的大型节目中出现在电视屏幕上 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38220/country-life-sponsorship-campaign-hits-tv-screens-during-major-itv-weekend-show/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38220/country-life-sponsorship-campaign-hits-tv-screens-during-major-itv-weekend-show/#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期五,9月10日15:52:29 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38220 英国黄油品牌Country Life与英国独立电视台周末节目《爱你的周末》合作,从9月开始进行赞助活动。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38220 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38220/country-life-sponsorship-campaign-hits-tv-screens-during-major-itv-weekend-show/ " >乡村生活期间赞助竞选热门电视屏幕主要ITV周末节目< / >第一次出现在必威betway体育官方乳品工业国际.

. 英国黄油品牌Country Life与英国独立电视台周末节目《爱你的周末》合作,从9月开始进行赞助活动。

Now beginning its third series, the show, presented by gardening expert and TV personality, Alan Titchmarsh, will air on Sunday mornings and celebrates all that is great about the British countryside.

Country Life, which is currently valued at £53.3 million and bought by over 14% of UK households, will be the official sponsor of the show throughout series 3, which launched on 5 September, and for a special Christmas episode. Branded idents will run throughout the two-hour episodes including via on-demand channels.

Every Sunday morning, Alan will be chatting to celebrity guests, extolling the virtues of our great British countryside, celebrating British crafts, arts, food and drink, making the show the ideal partner for one of Britain’s most well-known and loved butter brands.

Emilie Grundy, Saputo Dairy UK marketing controller, comments: “Country Life is based on the best of British: made for over 50 years with 100% British milk, sourced exclusively from Red Tractor-certified British dairy farms and is a proud supporter of the Prince’s Countryside Fund, supporting a sustainable future for British farmers and rural communities. With such a long heritage of producing great tasting, high quality and award-winning butter, its brand heartland will always be rooted in simple pleasures and the British countryside, making it the perfect partner for ‘Love Your Weekend.’

“The Covid-19 pandemic instigated a reversal of long-term sales decline in the butters and spreads category, which has sustained, with sales of butter up by 9%1 when compared with pre-pandemic volumes. As we approach the lead-up to Christmas, an important seasonal peak for the butter category, we’re confident that the ‘Love Your Weekend’ partnership will drive brand awareness and help reinforce our unique British heritage and positioning, which we know to play an important role in decision making for our target shopper and further the popularity of our much-loved British butter.”

Country Life is the only butter brand to hold a Royal Warrant, as supplier to Her Majesty The Queen’s household and is ‘Red Tractor’ assured. Country Life is available in block and spreadable formats.

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讨论播客中的乳制品涵盖了社交媒体的喷子、考验和磨难 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38216/dairy-in-discussion-podcast-covers-the-trolls-trials-tribulations-of-social-media/ https://www.hrdoco.com/news/38216/dairy-in-discussion-podcast-covers-covers-the-trolls-trials-tribulations-of-social-media/#响应 亚历克斯河流 星期五,9月10日10:27:03 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38216 在英国乳制品播客系列的第二集,主持人朱迪思·布莱恩斯博士深入探讨了社交媒体和在线对话的好与坏。

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.< a>. 英国乳制品播客系列Dairy in Discussion第二集的标题是:“不要喂食人魔”,主持人朱迪思·布莱恩斯博士深入探讨了社交媒体和在线对话的好与坏。

这一集的《Dairy in Discussion》中,朱迪思和嘉宾们讨论了网上的负面言论,尤其是围绕着饮食,以及这将如何影响年轻人的生活,试图找到他们进入世界的方式。加入播客的是社交媒体专家David Glenwright,他一直是英国一些最大品牌的社交媒体顾问和培训师。作为社交媒体培训师和专家,大卫每天都能看到社交媒体的好、坏和丑陋的一面。大卫解释了算法是如何最终与我们作对的,以及这会对我们所看到的东西造成多大的损害——但他也解释了社交媒体并非都是悲观的,也有积极的一面。和朱迪丝一起讨论社交媒体对饮食和引发饮食失调的影响的还有梅尔·韦克曼(Mel Wakeman),注册营养师和营养讲师——她在青少年时期也患有饮食失调;和菲比——一个24岁的饮食失调的恢复。梅尔、菲比和朱迪丝探索了社交媒体如何在无序和限制性的饮食问题上煽情,以及找到好的、高质量的饮食和健康信息有多难。回顾这个月的节目,布莱恩博士评论道:“在乳制品行业,我们看到社交媒体可以成为一个非常积极的工具,在沟通、交换观点以及向我们原本无法接触的人提供信息方面。话虽如此,但遗憾的是,我们中的许多人都太熟悉网络上发生的消极、挑衅和欺凌——对于青少年或年轻人来说,处理这些问题肯定更加困难。

< Dairy in Discussion: Don ' t Feed the Trolls ' Episode 2 is available to listen and download from here

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波尔斯在冰淇淋创新的最前沿庆祝50周年 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38213/pols-celebrates-50-years-at-the-cutting-edge-of-ice-cream-innovation/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38213/pols-celebrates-50-years-at-the-cutting-edge-of-ice-cream-innovation/#respond 亚历克斯河流 2021年9月10日星期五10:20:48 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38213

食品联盟的Polds品牌在消费者的心中巩固了一年十年的心中,现在被拉脱维亚最古老的冰淇淋品牌广泛认可。 否访问尚未访问

post Pols在冰淇淋创新的前沿庆祝50年来首先出现在必威betway体育官方乳制品行业国际 国际乳制品和冰淇淋生产和分销集团食品联盟(Food Union)宣布,其投资组合中的一个标志性产品正在庆祝其成立50周年。五年来,Pols在消费者心中的地位一直稳固,现在被广泛认为是拉脱维亚最古老的冰淇淋品牌,使其成为食品联盟(Food Union)产品组合的基石。


自从1971年在拉脱维亚开设了第一家工业规模的冰淇淋工厂以来,该品牌一直以其传统与创新文化的平衡而自豪,这确保了它始终处于人们的首位,并一直享有持续的成功和长寿。< / p > < p >桑德拉·Usacheva政客品牌经理,说:“这是一个巨大的成就而言,建立一个品牌,不仅持久而且创新,捕捉心和市场份额,在过去50年的政客们已经成功成为一个标志性品牌在波罗的海国家和东南亚令人印象深刻的成果。我为能达到这一里程碑式的成就而感到非常自豪,并向所有在Pols公司历史上为这一里程碑式的成就做出贡献的人表示感谢。Pols对创新的承诺在其历史上生产了一系列美味的畅销冰淇淋产品:

  • 创新口味–2020年,Pols生产了其传奇的棉花糖口味冰淇淋– “Pols” cotton candy flavour.
  • Innovating with colour – Pols was one of the first big brands to go against the traditional golden wafer and create a black wafer, which became the best-selling novelty ice cream in 2019.
  • Innovating with shapes – In summer 2021, Pols launched a quirky doughnut shaped vanilla ice cream in choco glaze with sprinkles as well as a hockey puck shaped ice cream in celebration of the World Ice Hockey Championships in Latvia.
  • Innovating with moments of joy – Pols has taken ice-cream into the movie moment by combining ice cream with popcorn and even potato chips.
  • Innovating using tradition – In 2013, Pols, returned to its roots and launched a special “Pols retro” line in vintage-style paper packaging, now widely available in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
  • Innovating with categories – To properly celebrate its 50th anniversary, Pols has taken inspiration from the confectionery industry and created a box of ice cream filled chocolate candies for sharing with friends and family.

Normunds Staņēvičs, CEO of Food Union Group Europe, notes: “The Food Union portfolio is committed to building a compendium of power-brands that resonate with consumers and offer long-term value. It is the power to endure, grow and innovate over time that cements market leadership and true brand value. Pols, as one of the oldest ice-cream brands in our group, is focused on long-term brand fundamentals that have endured 50 years through being focused on quality, staying true to their roots and yet staying fresh through new innovative formats. We are immensely proud of all they have achieved.”

Over its 50-year history, Pols has continued to grow and offer its products to an expanding international market and currently exports across Baltic States, as well as South-East Asian countries including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

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Aptar的Neo关闭功能在新的HiPP婴儿配方奶粉包装 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38209/aptars-neo-closure-features-on-new-hipp-infant-formula-packaging/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38209/aptars-neo-closure-features-on-new -hipp-infant-formula-packaging/#响应 亚历克斯河流 2021年9月9日星期四13:40:06+0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38209 HiPP,全球婴儿食品市场的领导者之一,利用Aptar的专业知识为特定的亚洲市场重新设计其婴儿配方奶粉包装。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38209 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38209/aptars-neo-closure-features-on-new-hipp-infant-formula-packaging/ " > Aptar& # 8217; s Neo关闭功能新HiPP婴儿配方奶粉包装< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://www.dairyindustries.co必威betway体育官方m " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< / p >

Aptar Food + Beverage的专业知识是HiPP新的婴儿配方奶粉包装的背后。Aptar的解决方案以一流的技术为特色,具有当今父母和护理人员所需的增值优势,包括增强的便利性和卓越的功能。HiPP是世界上最大的有机生物原料加工商,也是全球婴儿食品市场的领导者之一。HiPP利用Aptar的突破性思维,针对特定的亚洲市场(包括中国和香港)重新设计其婴儿配方奶粉包装。Aptar利用其专业知识和创新历史,开发了定制版本的Neo closure,以最大限度地提高家长在选择和使用HiPP婴儿配方奶粉时的经验。


柔性带设计提供了低应用力的生产线,是理想的机械或手动应用,并有助于对罐的封闭,无论是金属或复合材料。弹性带有助于保护配方免受昆虫和其他可能的污染物。Aptar最好的技术是由几个独立的实验室验证的。 The HiPP’s customised version of Neo allows for maximum stackability, helping save space in transport and in commercial and home storage. In addition, this solution is slightly taller than the standard Neo version to accommodate a wider range of measuring scoop sizes.

For more information about Aptar’s Neo closure, visit: www.aptar.com/products/food-beverage/neo.

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Kühne在FrieslandCampina命名 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38205/kuhne-named-at-frieslandcampina/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38205/kuhne-named-at-frieslandcampina/#响应 亚历克斯河流 Thu, 09 Sep 2021 08:20:39 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38205 Guido Kühne已被任命为德国、奥地利和瑞士FrieslandCampina公司的董事总经理。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38205 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38205/kuhne-named-at-frieslandcampina/ " >在FrieslandCampina库恩名为< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >乳制品行业国际< / >必威betway体育官方。< / p > Guido Kühne于9月1日被任命为德国、奥地利和瑞士FrieslandCampina的董事总经理。接下来,Jan Kruise被任命为该公司欧洲新组织的高级副总裁。

Kühne自2018年3月以来一直担任德国Friesland Campina的销售总经理。他来自卡夫亨氏,此前,他曾在宝洁(Procter &)等快速消费品公司担任多个高级职位;Gamble Bahlsen Hakle Vileda。我很高兴能继续屋顶业务的成功转型。我们将继续在德国加速实施‘我们的目标,我们的2.0计划’战略,这将为成功的核心品牌提供进一步的投资,并优化成本。”库恩说< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38205 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38205/kuhne-named-at-frieslandcampina/ " >在FrieslandCampina库恩名为< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< / p必威betway体育官方 > //www.hrdoco.com/news/38205/kuhne-named-at-frieslandcampina/feed/ 0 乳制品市场价格严重依赖于中国的进口需求 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38201/dairy-market-prices-heavily-dependent-on-import-demand-from-china/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38201/dairy-market-prices-heavily-dependent-on-import-demand-from-china/#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期四,09年9月2021日08:16:36 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38201 据Rabobank的最新报告称,中国的进口需求减缓预计将于2021年的下半年开始,可以重视全球乳制品商品价格。 尚未访问

post 乳制品市场价格严重依赖于中国的进口需求首先出现在乳制品行业国际< / > . < / p > 全球牛奶供应一直在持续增长,预计还会继续增长,但增速会放缓。到目前为止,经济增长率一直是可持续的,没有给市场带来过大的负担,但全球需求的任何放缓都将很快导致库存的增加。

根据荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)最新的乳制品报告,牛奶价格大多较高,但世界各地的农场利润好坏参半。饲料价格高企和一般投入成本上涨是一条共同的主线,但承受成本压力的能力取决于牛奶价格。世界上很多地方的牛奶价格已经足够高,足以抵消成本的上升。荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)乳制品分析师本•莱恩(Ben Laine)表示:“然而,美国市场的牛奶供应增加,继续对牛奶价格构成压力,而欧盟牛奶价格勉强跟上不断上涨的投入成本。”


巴西藏红花歉收不会缓解全球市场。预计美国大豆产量也将令人失望。物流中断持续,运输成本飙升,而集装箱可用性问题继续给出口商带来麻烦。 In addition, aggressive zero-tolerance lockdown policies for Covid-19 cases in China have, and could continue, to lead to sporadic shutdowns of ports, making matters worse. “However, despite logistics problems, dairy commodities have continued to move through global markets,” emphasises Laine.

Global trade and demand: Slowdown in import demand from China could weigh on global dairy commodity prices

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//www.hrdoco.com/news/38201/dairy-market-prices-heavily-dependent-on-import-demand-from-china/feed/ 0 Arla Germany报告称2021年情况有所改善 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38198/arla-germany-reports-improved-2021/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38198/arla-germany-reports-improved-2021/#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期三,9月8日,2021年09:53:25 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38198 Arla Deutschland公司表示,尽管疫情导致情况复杂,但该公司今年上半年成功地在德国开展了业务。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38198 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38198/arla-germany-reports-improved-2021/ " > Arla德国报告改进2021 < / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< / p >必威betway体育官方 Arla Deutschland公司表示,尽管由于新冠肺炎疫情的影响,情况复杂,但该公司今年上半年成功地在德国开展了业务。例如,与2020年同期相比,Arla品牌产品的销售增长(定量)为1.3%。该公司特别关注两项产品创新的引入,以加强Arla雨伞品牌,并推动德国的可持续发展议程。随着新的Arla Buko Dip和Arla Kærgården Bio,我们将两个重要的创新带到了市场上。现在要做的是在市场上建立这些创新,并不断扩大头寸。在我们新活动的品牌战略背景下,我们首先移动了我们的屋顶品牌Arla,以增加Arla品牌家族在消费者中的认知。此外,我们能够实现可持续发展议程的重要里程碑,无论是在Arla农民的农场和产品包装领域。从长远来看,强大的品牌、创新和可持续性是在德国市场成功建立的核心要素。”

Arla Buko奶油干酪是市场领导者之一(见上图)。自3月份以来,该公司又增加了三个品种。Arla公司表示,通过Dip品种,Arla特别关注零食和简单烹饪的趋势。通过有机牛奶黄油和菜籽油的混合产品Arla Kærgården Bio,扩大了品牌。Arla的雨伞品牌今年5月在德国市场推出了自己的促销活动。 According to market researcher Nielsen, it is one of the top 10 brands for dairy products, after a significant sales growth over the past five years. The brand family includes Arla Skyr, Arla Kærgården and Arla Bio, along with Arla.

The first round of the new Arla climate check programme was successfully completed on the farms of just over 90% of farmers in Germany, and the second round of data collection has been launched. Based on the checks, farmers can see where they are standing with their carbon footprint and take targeted improvement opportunities.

With participation in the programme, farmers make a significant contribution to achieving the goals of Arla Foods: 30% fewer CO2e emissions per kilogram of milk by 2030 and net zero-CO2e emissions up to 2050.

More sustainable packaging also contributed in the first half of the year. In Germany, the Arla Kærgården received a new, more sustainable packaging (250g), which can be recycled better compared to the predecessor packaging in Germany. In addition, it is 8% lighter and has a 1% lower carbon footprint. Last year alone, around 69 million packs of Arla Kærgården (250g) landed in the shopping cart of Germans.

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印度打击以植物为基础的名称 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38194/india-cracks-down-on-plant-based-names/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38194/india-cracks-down-on-plant-based-names/#响应 亚历克斯河流 9月8日星期三09:50:09 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38194 印度食品安全和标准局(Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)下令对植物性饮料和食品标签上使用乳制品术语的指控进行调查。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38194 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38194/india-cracks-down-on-plant-based-names/ " >印度打击植物名称< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >奶制品行业国际< / > . < / p > < p >印度食品安全和标准管理局已下令调查乳制品术语的指称使用植物性饮料和食品的标签上,主要是通过电子商务渠道销售,《芝加哥论坛报》(< a href = " https://www.tribuneindia.com " target = "平等" rel = " noopener > tribuneindia.com < / >)报告。州监管机构已被命令打击违反规定的人,这些规定称,食品经营者不允许在非乳制品或植物性产品中使用乳制品术语。违者将有15天的时间更换标签并遵守规定。

已经收到关于在“牛奶”一词下销售的植物性产品的投诉,而“凝乳”的使用并不仅仅被认为是法规目的下的乳制品术语。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38194 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38194/india-cracks-down-on-plant-based-names/ " >印度打击植物名称< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >奶制品行业国际< / > . < / p > //www.hrdoco.com/news/38194/india-cracks-down-on-plant-based-names/feed/ 0 巴特勒农场奶酪在阿斯达商店推出农场奶酪 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38191/butlers-farmhouse-cheese-launches-farmhouse-range-in-asda-stores/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38191/butlers-farmhouse-cheese-launches-farmhouse-range-in-asda-stores/#respond 亚历克斯河流 Tue, 7 Sep 2021 10:25:07 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38191 这家第四代家族奶酪制造商在英国阿斯达超市推出了可持续的“This is Proper”农场奶酪系列。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38191 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38191/butlers-farmhouse-cheese-launches-farmhouse-range-in-asda-stores/ " >管家农舍奶酪发射农舍Asda店范围< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://www.dairyindustries.co必威betway体育官方m " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< / p >

< div class="">< div class="">< div class="">< div class="">< div class="">
< div class="">< div class="">< div class="">< div class="">< p class=" x_x_msonormal ">Butlers农庄奶酪,推出了可持续的" 这是Proper "农场奶酪在英国Asda超市商店。

cream LancashireCrumbly LancashireDouble GloucesterTasty LancashireRed Leicester and< strong>Goats Cheeseand


该公司表示,它的This is Proper口味是完美的家庭主食,无论是奶酪板、三明治还是日常家庭食谱。这款全系列产品每包250克,建议零售价3英镑,目前在阿斯达北部的60家门店有售,并计划在全国推广。 Proper Tasty Lancashire and Proper Goats Cheese are also now available nationally in Tesco, and Proper Goats Cheese is stocked in M&S.

This is Proper is also available to buy at the Butlers Farmhouse Cheeses online cheese store.

Butlers Farmhouse Cheeses fourth generation owner, Matthew Hall, says: “More shoppers are looking for speciality cheese in the fixture than ever before. They’re also making a conscious choice to buy products with purpose, support British, artisan producers and put their pounds into the rural economy.

“This is Proper allows this new breed of shopper to choose real, proper, handmade farmhouse cheese and do their bit for the environment with fully recyclable packaging and sustainable production. Clear, on-pack messaging about the farmhouse-way is clear and easy to understand.

“We’re excited to reach more shoppers and fly the flag for quality, British farmhouse cheese that can reach your plate without travelling around the world to get there.”

Butlers Farmhouse Cheeses is a fourth-generation family business established in 1932 in rural Lancashire. Butlers combine traditional skills, love and innovation to hand make specialist British hard, blue and soft cheeses.

Butlers Farmhouse Cheeses has expanded its direct to consumer sales through the Covid-19 pandemic with its online cheese store and letterbox offer. Its Blacksticks Blue cheese is sold across M&S, Waitrose, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Co-op, Spar and Booths stores nationwide.

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全国乳制品委员会的新产品竞赛专注于游戏玩家 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38188/national-dairy-councils-new-product-competition-focuses-on-gamers/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38188/national-dairy-councils-new-product-competition-focuses-on-gamers/#respond 亚历克斯河流 Tue, 7 Sep 2021 10:17:27 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news& p=38188.

竞争是美国学生开发符合行业和消费者洞察的产品的机会,以发现为游戏玩家揭示创新的乳制品产品。 尚未访问

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本科生和研究生有资格为游戏玩家开发创新的乳制品。成功的参赛作品将符合竞赛标准,展示创新,并为消费者提供价值。< / p > < p >这次比赛是一个机会为学生开发的产品符合行业和消费者的洞察力发现创新的奶制品玩家:< / p > < ul > <李> 94%的年轻人玩视频游戏在某些能力李< / > <李> 60%的玩家说视频游戏帮助他们社会李< / > <李> 90%的玩家年龄21-35游戏时经常吃东西喝东西。




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综述:乳制品 //www.hrdoco.com/roundup/roundup-dairy-products-11 //www.hrdoco.com/roundup/roundup-dairy-products-11#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期一,06 Sep 2021 13:17:03 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=roundup&p=38184

以下是您的最新最新产品新闻的综述。 否尚未访问

post roundup:乳制品首先出现在必威betway体育官方乳制品International 这是您对最新成品新闻的综述。下周的综述将集中在乳制品加工上。

要提交要包含的新闻项目,请联系Suzanne Christiansen在suzanne@bellpublishing.com 或Alex Rivers在arivers@bellpublishing.com.

  • 营养生长解决方案正在推出一种含有乳清蛋白的饮料粉,以支持青春期前和十几岁男孩的发育需求。英国酸奶制造商游牧乳业(Nomadic Dairy)在其畅销的早餐Bircher系列中增加了两种新口味。
  • Müller在英国推出了第一个独立酸奶品牌–肠道荣耀& # 8211;因为它的目标是品类增长。< / > < /李> < / ul > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38184 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/roundup/roundup-dairy-products-11 " >摘要:乳制品< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< / 必威betway体育官方p > //www.hrdoco.com/roundup/roundup-dairy-products-11/feed/ 0 切达干酪之路 //www.hrdoco.com/blog/38180/the-path-to-cheddar/ //www.hrdoco.com/blog/38180/the-path-to-cheddar/#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期一,06 Sep 2021 13:12:29 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=blog&p=38180



    post cheddar的路径首先在乳制品行业国际必威betway体育官方。

    我们在一周前休息了一段时间,然后去了Wookey洞和切达干酪峡谷,萨默塞特。我的儿子一直询问是否有矿石可以开采奶酪,但我们确实回到了蒙德斯山上的荷兰,这是一种适合将奶酪造成衰老的洞穴,似乎似乎。因此, Wookey孔洞从福特农场迈出了Cheddar Carrowle came back, along with its cave aged goat cheese, and we didn’t have to negotiate too much with the witch that seemed on duty all the time there.

    Cheddar Gorge itself has a cheese company that produces cheese on-site. It was nice to see that, despite the production viewing area being closed off to visitors, people still queued up politely to try the cheese and then buy the cheese.

    I am not sure what the numbers were, but the places were busy, wherever we went in Somerset. The Hot Fuzz tour in Wells was running two walks a day to keep up with demand. The goats seemed unimpressed by the people and cars that trundled through the gorge. Glastonbury was full of people marching up and down the Tor. The East Somerset railway was busy but not overcrowded, which was nice. That being said, we have no reports of having to wait hours to buy our cream teas, unlike the Cornwall crowds.

    This year, the average Brit is largely staycationing, although there are a few hardy souls I know who have gone to various red/amber/green list countries and returned. I think personally, 2022 will be our year to wander outside the borders and see people in person. In the meantime, plenty of cheese to be eaten. Our 1.8kg truckle is half gone already. May have to phone the witch up for more…

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    //www.hrdoco.com/blog/38180/the-path-to-cheddar/feed/ 0 Food Works在爱尔兰寻找创业公司 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38176/food-works-looks-for-start-ups-in-ireland/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38176/food-works-looks-for-start-ups-in-ireland/#respond 亚历克斯河流 星期一,06 Sep 2021 10:11:18 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38176

    Food Works是由Bord Bia、Enterprise Ireland和Teagasc共同发起的三方机构合作计划,正在寻找十种高潜力、创新和出口驱动型食品&;欢迎初创企业加入他们的下一个加速器计划。

    目前还没有访问//www.hrdoco.com/news/38176/food-works-looks-for-start-ups-in-ireland/“>Food Works在爱尔兰寻找初创企业首先出现在国际乳制品行业

    必威betway体育官方 由Bord Bia、Enterprise Ireland和Teagasc运营的三方合作项目Food Works,正在寻找10家具有高潜力、创新和出口驱动的食品和饮料初创企业加入他们的下一个加速项目。自2012年该项目启动以来,已有100多家公司完成了该项目,爱尔兰的一些新兴企业包括Fiid、The Lismore Food Company和Nobó。我们将支持参与的初创企业,让投资者准备好一份全面的商业计划,专注于它们的国际规模。参与者还将有资格通过Enterprise Ireland申请高达3.5万欧元的可行性资助。

    食品和饮料创业项目每年进行10个月,从3月到12月。它包括与战略、金融、产品开发、营销和其他领域的国内和国际行业专家的研讨会。初创企业还会得到来自商业顾问的定制支持,促进对等学习,以及国内外整个行业的网络机会。Bord Bia的首席执行官塔拉·麦卡锡(Tara McCarthy)形容下一个项目的理想候选人是雄心勃勃、具有创新精神、有规模能力和出口潜力的人。近10年来,Food Works一直在为爱尔兰的食品和饮料企业家提供雄心和创新,并成功地支持了爱尔兰的初创企业取得成功。该项目旨在支持和帮助新兴的明星实现他们在国内和国际市场的抱负,一直致力于提高爱尔兰食品和饮料行业的全球定位。“爱尔兰食品在国际上享有越来越高的声誉,同时需求强劲。去年,尽管正常市场运作受到严重干扰,但爱尔兰食品、饮料和园艺出口价值超过130亿欧元,”她补充道。三个国家机构,Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland和Teagasc,共同致力于实施粮食工程计划。 Bord Bia provides strategic insight and support, assisting participating companies in their understanding of consumers, competitors, trends, opportunities and both domestic and international markets. Enterprise Ireland is responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in global markets. Its Food Division focuses on supporting high potential food and drink companies on developing their export sales. Meanwhile, Teagasc provides integrated research, technical advice, and training services. Its state-of-the-art food centres in Dublin and Cork provide participants with access to facilities, equipment, and specialist expertise.

    The closing date for applications for the 2022 programme is 3 December 2021. Full details and an application form are available at FoodWorksIreland.ie

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    //www.hrdoco.com/news/38176/food-works-looks-for-start-ups-in-ireland/feed/ 0 新一代GEA阀控制顶部增强了操作安全性 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38172/new-generation-gea-valve-control-tops-enhance-operational-safety/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38172/new-generation-gea-valve-control-tops-enhance-operational-safety/#响应 亚历克斯河流 Fri,03年9月2021年14:40:31 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38172 GEA表示,其于2021年9月在市场上推出的t - vis M-20控制顶部标志着使用阀门技术的过程自动化的新时代的开始。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38172 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38172/new-generation-gea-valve-control-tops-enhance-operational-safety/ " >新一代赫亚阀控制上提高运营安全< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://www.dairyindustries.co必威betway体育官方m " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< / p >

    GEA T.VIS A-15 premium solution. Conveniently, GEA has designed standard pilot valves, switching rods, path measuring systems and connections for both the M-20 and A-15 control tops. This standardisation simplifies planning, servicing and ensuring spare parts availability, particularly in the event of subsequent plant modifications.

    With regard to further valve technology developments at GEA, Bernd Porath reports: “Plant uptime, robustness and repeatability of processes and their components are all part of the overarching theme of sustainability, which is a huge concern for the industry. Optimally configured, durable process technology naturally plays a part in the smooth operation of our customers’ plants. We aim to show how digital control tops with sophisticated automated functions and feedback options can contribute to an improved climate footprint. We intend to capture additional functions within our valve range – from control to process diagnostics and predictive maintenance.”

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    //www.hrdoco.com/news/38172/new-generation-gea-valve-control-tops-enhance-operational-safety/feed/ 0
    EMMI集团报告增加了营业额 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38169/emmi-group-reports-increastion-turnover/ //www.hrdoco.com/news/38169/emmi-group-reports-increased-turnover/#respond 亚历克斯河流 friday, 03 Sep 2021 08:02:06 +0000 //www.hrdoco.com/?post_type=news&p=38169



    必威betway体育官方 Emmi集团在2021年上半年的营业额增长了6.2%,达到18亿瑞士法郎(16.7亿欧元),比其自身预期的有机增长3.7%。该公司表示,推动这一发展的因素包括国际业务的复苏动力、Emmi Caffè Latten和Kaltbach等成功的品牌概念,以及甜点特色等战略性利基市场的增长。另一方面,该公司表示,在其本土市场瑞士,销售额的损失不得不像预期的那样接受。



    正如预期的那样,2021年前6个月的销售发展仍然低于全年的预测。这是由于去年同期销售的异常增长。对于Emmi集团来说,全年的有机增长预计为2 - 3%。< / p > < div class = " tptn_counter " id = " tptn_counter_38169 " >没有访问< / div > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com/news/38169/emmi-group-reports-increased-turnover/ " >艾米集团报告增加营业额< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.hrdoco.com " >乳制品行业国际< / >。< / p >必威betway体育官方 //www.hrdoco.com/news/38169/emmi-group-reports-increased-turnover/feed/ 0
